The Advanced Chorale serves as the advanced vocal ensemble of the choral program at Western Hills. “Chorale” is a performance-oriented class geared to expose students to a wide variety of choral literature, ranging from the various historical styles through rehearsal and performance. Students will be given the opportunity to learn proper vocal/choral techniques, breathing skills, sight-reading skills, and basic musicianship (theory and history). Performances will take place throughout the school year and students will be given opportunities to participate individually, as well as in the choral ensemble. Western Hills Advanced Chorale is open to students by audition.
Back to Classes 2013-2014 Advanced Chorale Leadership Team
Allie Morris - President
Michael Hatfield - Vice President Aja Leachman - Secretary Jennifer Troth - Librarian Lauren Eastman - Historian Aja Leachman - Fun Fact Jennifer Troth & Allie Morris - Soprano Section Leaders Christy Bradley & Jasmine Rangel - Alto Section Leaders Quentin Kasinger - Tenor Section Leader Michael Hatfield - Bass Section Leader |
Assignments & Ensemble Forms
Concert Make-Up Assignment
Download Staff Paper Download complete Spring 2014 Updated Choral Schedule. Zadok extra rehearsal schedule