Applebee's Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Saturday, November 20, 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Come support the Western Hills Choir at our first Pancake Breakfast sponsored by Applebee’s.
Student workers and choir chaperones needed! - Contact Patti Wooldridge
Come out and start your weekend right with "all-you-can-eat" pancakes and fixin’s for only $5.00.
Payment must be received by November 19. Please bring payment to the choir room.
Make checks payable to Western Hills Chorus Boosters.
Be sure to note: "Pancakes" in the memo line on the check.
Come support the Western Hills Choir at our first Pancake Breakfast sponsored by Applebee’s.
Student workers and choir chaperones needed! - Contact Patti Wooldridge
Come out and start your weekend right with "all-you-can-eat" pancakes and fixin’s for only $5.00.
Payment must be received by November 19. Please bring payment to the choir room.
Make checks payable to Western Hills Chorus Boosters.
Be sure to note: "Pancakes" in the memo line on the check.